The daughters of Lilith is a corporeal narrative that explores the roots of the delusional, misogynistic and murderous discourse about witches, and the construction of this collective imaginary to combat the fear that women did (do?). A journey through the mental and physical marks on the bodies of women who have said: 'no'. four alone of four stray women: Lilit (dancer), Medea (dancer), the Witch (dancer) and Orlando (dancer). Four new musical compositions based on texts by Euripides (composer), Ben Sira (composer), two Dominican inquisitors (composers) and Virginia Woolf (composer). A spell to atone for the dead. A cry that screams: if we scare you, it's your problem. We all come from Lilith.
Introduction and selection of texts, by Carlota Gurt:
Photographs of the recording by the Barcelona Art Orchestra at Medusa Studio (Barcelona), by Martí E. Berenguer.