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Since its creation in 2016, the Fortuny Trio has cultivated the search for open and honest communication between musicians and audiences. Formed by Joel Bardolet (violin), Pau Codina (cello) and Marc Heredia (piano), it performs regularly in concert halls such as the Palau de la Música Catalana or L'Auditori de Barcelona and at festivals such as the Festival International de Musique de Wissembourg or the award-winning Bachcelona and is nourished by the intense individual activity that its members carry out in orchestras and chamber groups mainly in central Europe.

Its main uniqueness lies in the fact of highlighting little-known repertoires as well as the work they do with living composers such as Joan Magrané, Ramon Humet or Josep Maria Guix and musicians such as Jonathan Brown. In this sense, the Fortuny Trio's programs are born from the combination of playing works from the great universal repertoire with pieces that are discoveries that they often interpret appealing to the variable geometry that their own training allows. Echoes (Seed Music, 2024) is their debut album, a record in which they capture their interpretation of the Trio for piano in A minor, op. 50 by PI Tchaikovsky, as well as Three Nocturnes by Joan Magrané - a composer from Reus and fellow generation - and an elegy by Josef Suk.


Joel Bardolet,violin; Pau Codina, cello; Marc Heredia, piano
Recorded in March 2024 at the Sala Joaquim Maideu in L'Atlantida Vic.
Sound engineer: Gonzalo Noqué
Executive Production: Seed Music


Elegy Op.23 [5']

Three Nocturnes [17']

Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50 [46']